Is it a terrible movie? Yes. Is it also weird and awesome? Yup.
The teddy bear costumes kill me every time.
Is it a terrible movie? Yes. Is it also weird and awesome? Yup.
The teddy bear costumes kill me every time.
This movie was the best “STALKER” movie. It catches the same vibe and it really just holds that sense of dread throughout.
I knew nothing of this movie until one day my wife asked to watch it. She saw Natalie Portman in an interview talking about it. After we watched it I didn’t know why more people weren’t talking about this and why it wasn’t advertised more. The only thing I saw online about this movie around the time it came out was a RLM review of it, but I think it was already out of theaters.
This movie deserves more love.
I feel like I liked the book when I read it. Then I saw the movie and hated it. Then I went back to the book and also hated it. Not because of the movie, but reading it a second time made me realize how terrible the book was in the first place.
If you like it you like it, I’m not going to knock you.
They completely misused the Iron Giant for pure nostalgia bait. The whole movie is that. The whole book is the main character being a Marry Sue, after the problem presents itself.
As I read this from my phone. Not sure how to feel.