Astral is already a Rust shop; uv
and ruff
are written in Rust, and it makes sense for them to expand on what’s already considered very successful.
Rust can enable a lot of speed and “fearless concurrency”; it also has a pretty good type system and a focus on correctness. They’d rather be correct than fast (C made the other choice, but is also from another age), but also show that that extra correctness comes with little runtime speed cost (compilation is another story).
Isn’t most of science also rather big on types, only they use the phrase “units”? If you take an attitude of “I never bother checking my units, I just see if it works or not after the fact”, that’s rather different from the science I learned where checking the types of calculations was considered an important step.
At some levels it’s even just like colour-coding your wires, helping you not accidentally put ground in the wrong part of the circuit.