louder for the people in the back.
louder for the people in the back.
read.write.as shows posts from users on that platform. maybe a good place to start looking. at any rate, it’s pretty ad-hoc and manual because, while it federates, you’re not going to see activity other than posting.
I use threema with family but getting others to use yet another app (especially for thin social connections) is difficult.
Depends on your threat model though, I guess.
Having been around since the early days of identica/statusnet: no, not really.
It’s always been small and a generally nice set of communities but it won’t reach a large enough audience to matter. US (and to some degree) global politics are such a clusterfuck that it’ll take more than some little servers with people discussing open source software and art or whatever to create substantial change.
that’s not to say it’s pointless. it’s nice to have these little groups to focus on. it doesn’t give me any hope but it does regulalry lift my spirits.
EDIT: I also dont think it needs to be any kind of agent or tool of change. Why can’t it just be what it is? Groups of people socializing with one another?
you folks are still scrimbling? hacker news says you can get much better results if you dronkle instead. in fact, you don’t even have to worry about your implementation, just use the kneeb.io api for all of your dronkling (and scrimbling i guess via their legacy api deprecated last month). they just got seed funding and they reinvested that into their infrastructure. this is a no brainer!
have these streams been added to radio-browser.info?
came here to post this. my buddy had it and i still play it every couple of years.