Some more I haven’t seen mentioned yet, maybe just outside the top 25:
- Rapid Reload/Gunner’s Heaven - Gunstar Heroes-inspired platform shooting chaos
- Jumping Flash! - Low poly early FPS series with a robot bunny that jumps really high
- Bishi Bashi Special - Compete with your friends in WarioWare-like rapid-fire three button minigames
- Vanark - Basically Star Fox 64 for the PS1, but went almost entirely unnoticed
- The Misadventures of Tron Bonne - Mega Man Legends spinoff starring goofy pirates and their adorable robot henchmen
- Tail Concerto and Silent Bomber - CyberConnect2’s first two games; both are hidden gems of 3D action
- Gran Turismo 2 Combined Disc - Both discs combined into one oversized disc by Silent, creator of SilentPatch for the Grand Theft Auto games
- Namco Museum (all six volumes) - I wish later Namco compilations had the first-person museum segments from the PS1 games
- Tempest X3 - Back in my day, “Jeff Minter” was a euphemism for mind-altering drugs
Hi! I’m an 0Ld Tony Hawk player, so let me break it down. Mouseover the acronyms for full titles if your client supports it.
THPS1 and THPS2 were PS1 first, and then ported to Dreamcast, N64, and PC. THPS2 also got a weird Xbox port with THPS1 levels in it. That’s not counting the portable versions and later HD remakes.
THPS3, THPS4, THUG1, THUG2, and THAW were all PS2/Xbox/GameCube first, and eventually PC too. The PS1, N64, and GBA got demakes of some of these games using the THPS2 engine, and they don’t feel right. THUG1’s PC port was exclusive to Australia and New Zealand 🤨. THUG2 has a PSP port. THUG2 PC mod THUG Pro is where the THPS community lives now. THAW has fantastic ports on DS and 360.
THP8 and THPG were 360/PS3-exclusive, but THP8 was eventually ported to PS2.
THPG and THDJ for DS were actually pretty good. Only the DS versions though.
We don’t talk about Robomodo’s games.