Oh, cool. TBH I don’t think that’s a drawback, just customised to the very specific usage. So you get a ___@deltachat.org email or something?
I used to make comics. I know that because strangers would look at my work and immediately share their most excruciatingly banal experiences with me:
— that time a motorised wheelchair cut in front of them in the line at the supermarket;
— when the dentist pulled the wrong tooth and they tried to get a discount;
— eating off an apple and finding half a worm in it;
every anecdote rounded of with a triumphant “You should make a comic about that!”
Then I would take my 300 pages graphic novel out of their hands, both of us knowing full well they weren’t going to buy it, and I’d smile politely, “Yeah, sure. Someday.”
“Don’t try to cheat me out of my royalties when you publish it,” they would guffaw and walk away to grant comics creator status onto their next victim.
Nowadays I make work that feels even more truly like comics to me than that almost twenty years old graphic novel. Collage-y, abstract stuff that breaks all the rules just begging to be broken. Linear narrative is ashes settling in my trails, montage stretched thin and warping in new, interesting directions.
I teach comics techniques at a university level based in my current work. I even make an infrequent podcast talking to other avantgarde artists about their work in the same field.
Still, sometimes at night my subconscious whispers the truth in my ear: Nobody ever insists I turn their inane bullshit nonevents into comics these days, and while I am a happier, more balanced person as a result of that, I guess that means I don’t make comics any longer after all.
Oh, cool. TBH I don’t think that’s a drawback, just customised to the very specific usage. So you get a ___@deltachat.org email or something?
Right? I did try Delta many years ago, and I really recommend using a new email account for it.
“Signal is better than WhatsApp” is certainly faint praise. Signal is centralised, and has historically been hostile to third party developers who dared play in their sandbox. Signal likes to flaunt their FLOSS and privacy cred, but it’s basically built as another data silo, and pretty aggressively protecting their “brand”.
It’s email, adapted to a chat UI.
This thread is such a beautiful example of freeze peach foghorns not giving a good damn about freedoms, they just want to force their bullshit on the biggest possible audience.
Gotta hand it to OP for the sizeable hole they dug themself in no time flat.
Will only accept apps about moon phases and burning human sacrifices in giant wicker effigies.
I’m not going to lie, “chatmail” made me snort 😄
Using mail protocols for chat always seemed like a natural, pragmatic solution to a problem that people have been overthinking for decades.
Back when I tried Delta first, it was a bit janky (can it really be 10+ years ago?), so I’m glad they’ve smoothed out the kinks and getting people onboard more easily.