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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • I’ve thought plenty on how I “present to others”. Maybe go lecture them on how they present while they’re defending systemic racism and sexism. Or worry about your own look, jumping to their defense. I have no interest in coddling anyone that finds it “annoying” to see someone pointing out basic issues. If the past 100 years (hell, the past 20 years) have proved anything, it’s that constant compromise to not offend quote-unquote “centrists” (lest we “push them” into the arms of racists and bigots) only leads to validation of and shifting to the values of those racists and bigots. If being faced with their own prejudices and problems “forced” them to become hateful, then that’s what they were always going to end up as. That’s on them, not anyone else. And being an apologists for them won’t lead to any progress, only regression.

  • No, I get it. It’s been repeated ad nauseum for decades at this point, so it’s hard to miss.

    “The monolith of white characters in media is problematic, sure, but don’t change any of them. That would be ‘wrong’ and ‘ruin’ them for all the white people that like them the way they are. Make your own characters and keep them separate. That way nothing gets ruined, yeah?”

    Or, in short:

    “Diversity is OK, but only if it doesn’t touch ‘my’ media.”

  • The thing is, Bond isn’t an established character. They’ve been recast so many times that fan theories exist that they’re a Timelord (another “established character” that got people uppity when suggesting the same kinds of changes, though thankfully we’ve crossed that particular Rubicon, albeit roughly). Change is part of the character at this point, and extending that beyond the cis, white, and (problematically) hetero confines of its past provides greater opportunity for growth and improvement rather than languishing in a character that first hit screens 60 years ago and was penned even further back, with all the baggage that came with that.

  • It’s pretty telling to focus on the dev’s right to reject inclusivity while simultaneously rejecting and deriding everyone else’s right to judge them for that.

    And if it was such a useless change, why didn’t the dev reject it for that instead of saying it was “political”? He’s the one that declared the word itself, not the utility of the change, was the problem. Calling everyone else “trolls” for pointing that out is just disingenuous.