It always predicts the next word based on its tokenisation, data from training and context handling. So accuracy is all there is.
It always predicts the next word based on its tokenisation, data from training and context handling. So accuracy is all there is.
People are misled by the name. Its not making stuff up, its just less accurate
Esp-home also works with the older esp-01 - it was released as a wifi module so there are only two gpio’s, but thats enough for a lot of home automation stuff.
Here’s one i have connected to HA, where HA uses rest-api to capture some data from a game called tacticus, and it shows my available tokens for guild raid and arena
Heres the top google link i found:
Esp-home is available as a HA addin, docs here:
Too much fanfare and too little real info shared to be of any value. Sounds more like an ad than infosec
You can already reflash a lot of devices for this purpose. And you could use esp-home to customise once reflashed
In other news: tesla bans third party gas pumps
This is a sub for sending people to ycombinator. Its just bots doing linkspam
Could be propaganda as well - why not scare the monkeys with the bad Chinese? Without ESPs the market is so much easier to control.
Note:I use both the ES8266ex and different ESP32s in my projects.