No, they used Telegram because they’re idiots and don’t understand privacy.
No, they used Telegram because they’re idiots and don’t understand privacy.
As nice as it was to make the brush strokes with the wiimote, there were some glaring gameplay issues with the Wii version. The biggest was definitely basic attacks. You attacked by jiggling the wiimote, but the damn thing was so finicky that only 1 of the 3 weapon types could be used reliably. The recognition of brush strokes was also extremely difficult. You couldn’t do slow strokes, and it was really bad at recognizing complex patterns. It wasn’t so much a problem when just doing simple strokes in the early game, but some of the more advanced ones were downright impossible.
It makes me sad that so few games utilized the potential of the WiiU gamepad. There was this game called Zombie U that managed to really show how incredible it could be. There was a mode where players would be in a zombie wave survival arena except 1 player would instead be controlling the spawns via a map on the gamepad. They could see where the other players were, where the weak spots were, and had their own progression tree to unlock better zombies.
You don’t have to have a feeling. The data is right there.
Looks like it was 43k active users at the lowest and 46k active users at the highest. That’s almost a whole 7%. So if that’s your definition of a “lot more activity” then sure!
Isn’t not providing accessibility options illegal and leaves you open to lawsuits?
Oh what am I saying? I forgot that laws don’t exist for the rich anymore.
People hate whenever Brave is mentioned… But when it comes to privacy, I have not regretted my decision to use it