Very cool.
The graphic does double duty as well, describing paramedics in quarters between calls.
Very cool.
The graphic does double duty as well, describing paramedics in quarters between calls.
Introducing: Mask Pro
Also we don’t see our leaders as superhuman and they sorta know that they can be fired. And stuff.
Pretty sure they had BIC windsurf boards in Canada when I was a kid.
Edit: Shit, they still do too, as of 2008.
Missing one!
No, you need to learn what hero means again.
On Feb. 6, the Trump administration sent yet another round of emails rescinding job offers to still more seasonal Park Service employees, including law enforcement rangers, wildland firefighters and EMTs — all positions explicitly related to public safety, which were also supposedly exempt from Trump’s Jan. 20 order for a hiring freeze. The Washington Post reported on Feb. 11 that some rescinded job offers were eventually re-extended to law enforcement rangers and public safety dispatchers, but how many is unclear.
He’ll let your pretty park burn for Elon and the Nazis and not even care.
The minerals won’t burn. Gobble gobble.
Tom, Americans are going to use war and threats to steal their own chip industry and purposefully abandon Taiwan after stealing what it can to play RISK with Russia and China.
Because the world’s science leader sniffs glue and loves lead.
Bears repeating. Wonder how much he had to worry about medical costs or being forced back to the office to be caged.
Probably doesn’t worry much about birthright citizenship either.
Jamie Dimon, grandson of Greek immigrants who had cancer, an aortic dissection (stress?), and returned to work in a remote capacity after surgery due to Covid? *That* Jamie Dimon? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Dimon
Oh, now it’s a crisis? When your dick is involved?
Tread on me, Daddies.
Amazon will cease the ability to download and transfer options for the Kindle e-reader on February 26th, 2025. No Kindle can use this functionality once the due date rolls around. Only the 12th generation Kindles never had this ability to begin with, but now no other model will either. Why is Amazon doing this? It’s a feature not many people use and those who do, commit e-book piracy.
Or, you know, a feature people could use to transfer their data to their device without having to prove the rights to store and read it.
Because pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying content aligns with the platforms ownership and doesn’t receive an appropriate response from a user base who learned about aliens on History and history on Fox News entertainment.
Kinda fascinating the similarities between 100 microgram and 200 doses.
I’m gone from the ecosystem for this. Been standing up for the products since Apple II.
This is your shame:
Don’t just do it, PS/2 it.