It’s not just that the novelty has worn off, It’s progressively gotten less useful. Any god damn question I ask gets 90,000 qualifiers and it refuses to provide any data at all. I think OpenAI is so terrified of liabilty they have significantly dumbed down it’s utility in the public release. I can’t even ask ChatGPT to provide a link to study it references, if it references anything at all rather than making ambiguous statements.
It’s not just that the novelty has worn off, It’s progressively gotten less useful. Any god damn question I ask gets 90,000 qualifiers and it refuses to provide any data at all. I think OpenAI is so terrified of liabilty they have significantly dumbed down it’s utility in the public release. I can’t even ask ChatGPT to provide a link to study it references, if it references anything at all rather than making ambiguous statements.