This is the perfect waterfall analogy.
This is the perfect waterfall analogy.
The difference is that we’ll just be running small, specialized, on-demand models instead of huge, resource-heavy, all-purpose models. It’s already being done. Just look at how Google and Apple are approaching AI on mobile devices. You don’t need a lot of power for that, just plenty of storage.
There’s no need for huge, expensive datacenters when we can run everything on our own devices. SLMs and local AI is the future.
Just stay far, far away from their forums.
That would be great. It would make it a lot easier to convince people to try Ubuntu.
Advertisers will go where people are. Unless people are leaving the Zuckerverse, the advertisers will just go along with it.
The guy stomps on innocent, unsuspecting little turtles and occasionally burns them alive. Of course it should be flagged.