I don’t care if China steals my data or uses my router as a vector for a DOS attack at this point. My fascist nation already has domestic back doors to spy on me if I was interesting enough. My opinion of China is roughly the same as my opinion of my own red white and blue shithole, about as low as you can go. In fact, their regular people on the street seem a hell of a lot more prosocial and EMPATHETIC than I’ve ever seen here in the US going by Rednote. I’m on nobody’s side geopolitically because nobody is on my side.
Besides, we destroyed ourselves already. Checkmate CCP! Have fun spying on the ash heap. Spoilers: we’re largely poorly educated here by design, so enjoy the stream of "…evolution is just a theory science is fake education is a scam pull yourself by your bootstraps stop virtue signaling it’s not greed I’m rationally self-interested… "
I’m genuinely shocked it was taken down at this stage in our self-destruction
That’s literally like half of marriages.
Sorry, you’re stuck with hoards of people our economy has made too poor to get citizenship elsewhere. Shitty country run by selfish oligarchs. 🤷
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At least you know what you are.
Id say their lead is over.
Im enjoying all the capitalist oligarchs losing their minds over Deepseek destroying the piles of money they were already counting in their heads. It’s not much, but it’s something.
Their unhinged need for growth/metastasis to to feed their ego scores is unquenchable and ending the world.
It’s tragic we won’t physically stop them via revolution. We are cowards that mistake this quiet slaughter for peace. The planet will have to do it for us, and take us and a lot of innocent surface life with them.