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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • I know 20 years ago Walmart was the face of corporate evil but hear me out. They have had 1 company MO and have never wavered from it, providing affordable goods at the lowest possible price to the consumer without any bells or whistles. No coupons, no buy 3 get 1 free, no sketchy pricing based on bullwhip procurement.

    My message here is to encourage anyone like myself who is fed the fuck up with Amazon, Google and Microsoft shitting on every product they put out all rhe while cutting all operating costs from any semblance of customer support. I call Walmart every year to check how much .22 ammo they have around deer season to get my tags and the winters supply of varmint ammo in one trip. Every year I speak to a real person even if it rings for a hot minute.

    For about the same price as Amazon prime, I have Walmart “prime” that comes with free delivery of not just market place shit but also same day grocery delivery. They dont spread themselves too thin like literally every single corporate giant out there. They were better equipped than Amazon to get into the market place industry and they are killing it. While every other shit head company is dumping billions into AI (Walmart might be too idk so take this with a grain of salt) Walmart invested billions into developing their drone delivery project.

    Tldr: I encourage everyone who likes simple affordable products from a straight forward without any bullshit to give the Walmart equivalent of Amazon prime a shot.

    Edit: One other perk point for uncle Wally is it isn’t a snake payment deal like 9.99/month of never ending monthly payment, maybe they do offer that now but when I signed up it was a single flat payment for 1 year and I get 2 emails letting me know it’s coming due for next year and the second being the invoice. They dont spam you, force apps on you, value your data more than you or the product you’re buying. Fuck i could keep going with how pleased I’ve been with Walmart.

  • Yeah but you really can’t dox people even if it seems like the moral thing to do. It wasn’t any decision made outside the company, it was made by reddit because it was walking a fine line with their policies.

    I’m going entirely off theory but there is a likely chance the people who got hired to be a minion had no idea the parameters of the job. I’ve gone thru the government job listings and they will tell you only so much about the position. What is required to qualify for the job, what tasks will be done in the job but beyond that, they aren’t going to tell you what the grand scheme of the position is. So to me, if any of that is true, then they are trying to post the identities of people who may be appalled by what their job is but don’t have the means to step down without having other income already lined up.

    I’m not saying anything about what musk is doing is right. I’m just saying, there should be action taken to prevent the identities of people being posted on the internet for all to see.

    Dont forget, reddit has literally falsely identifyied an innocent man who committed suicide as being the Boston bomber. Creating an absolute hell for the grieving family who thought their son was missing only to find out he committed suicide before the boston bombing happened. They only found out from the reddit manhunt to dox an innocent person.