We’re probably pretty similar. I haven’t been a Linux user as long as I’ve been an adult (close), but if you include BSDs, then I have, since I dabbled w/ FreeBSD as a kid.
I’m a SW engineer and I like compiled languages, so linking in C libraries comes w/ the territory. If it wasn’t for that, I would probably just call them DLLs (dynamic-link library, FWIW), since they do the same thing at the end of the day.
can this map be… simulated?
perhaps put into a computer program with simulated inputs from a virtual environment?
There’s alot of “calculations” done internally in a neuron that we cant map yet
Fucking DLLs
Shared objects on Linux.
I’ve been using Linux for longer than I’ve been an adult, I’ve worked in the field for around fifteen years, and TIL what .so means. Thanks!
We’re probably pretty similar. I haven’t been a Linux user as long as I’ve been an adult (close), but if you include BSDs, then I have, since I dabbled w/ FreeBSD as a kid.
I’m a SW engineer and I like compiled languages, so linking in C libraries comes w/ the territory. If it wasn’t for that, I would probably just call them DLLs (dynamic-link library, FWIW), since they do the same thing at the end of the day.
“That I don’t we can map yet”
Seems like your brain failed to calculate a few things when trying to write that.
interesting. what kind of “calculations”? what do we know about it?
I recall seeing the brain of like an amoeba or something very small with only like 100 neurons or something being simulated.
You certainly didn’t see an amoeba brain. They are single cells. I wonder if you heard about the efforts to do the same thing with a nematode?