Yes. Immediately after the fiscal quarter ends, giving them plenty of time to make up for it when everyone who put it off for a week just buys it the next week. Because that’s when it’ll hurt, not right before they have to report numbers.
Wait until the last 2 weeks of the fiscal quarter instead of mid-cycle and the rebound bump won’t show up on their quarterly earnings, which will fuck their stock value, which is the only thing that matters to them.
Yes. Immediately after the fiscal quarter ends, giving them plenty of time to make up for it when everyone who put it off for a week just buys it the next week. Because that’s when it’ll hurt, not right before they have to report numbers.
Still more praxis than this comment.
At least it’s something.
Wait until the last 2 weeks of the fiscal quarter instead of mid-cycle and the rebound bump won’t show up on their quarterly earnings, which will fuck their stock value, which is the only thing that matters to them.