Why is learning Python a mistake for beginners? https://chat-to.dev/post?id=QWV6WTNiZ2hoZlp5S3lFcklZRWcwdz09&redirect=%2Fprofile%3Fu%3Damargo85 #python #programming #code #developers #softwaredevelopment
Why is learning Python a mistake for beginners? https://chat-to.dev/post?id=QWV6WTNiZ2hoZlp5S3lFcklZRWcwdz09&redirect=%2Fprofile%3Fu%3Damargo85 #python #programming #code #developers #softwaredevelopment
As someone who worked as a TA at uni for the introductory course to programming for engineers, which used python, that never once a problem lol.
Mac users were recommended to install anaconda rather than python directly, and that was just about it.